Image Copyright
My images are posted on my social media and this website. You may not post nor use any image without prior permission or purchase of a licence (see below).
Be nice and please respect and do not infringe the copyright in the images created, then we won’t have to go through the take-down and copyright infringement process – as associated charges I and you will incur, for which you will be chargeable for as a result (details below).
For example a wedding couple would have the right to use their wedding images for sharing and social media, including prints or canvasses, but they do not own the copyright of the images.
Similarly, a sports person who purchases images as part of a sport image subscription has the right to use the image on their personal social media and/or make prints, but the images may not be used for other purposes (by a club, newspaper, online media, company, organisation or charity).
Copyright and ownership of an image at all times is retained by the photographer (Andrew Cooper) at all times, throughout the world. Moral Rights Asserted. All rights are reserved. Intellectual property in images remains with Andrew Cooper Photography at all times, throughout the world.
If you find any image online it does not mean you have permission to use and/or share.
Image licences are available:
Personal and Editorial Licence
Advertising and Merchandising Licence
Factors that will affect the licence cost will be whether single or multiple use, distribution channels (single or multiple channels), length of licence and country/countries or worldwide use.
Image Use
Andrew Cooper Photography shall grant limited image use, subject to the type of licence issued. All images are copyright of Andrew Cooper Photography. The use of any image is granted by and may be withdrawn by Andrew Cooper Photography where there is a breach of copyright, copyright infringement or any abuse of the of images, including my terms. See copyright above.
Individuals, businesses or organisations may only use images following permission and/or an appropriate image licence. The continued use of any image is only granted where the terms of use and copyright is not breached.
Where there is any abuse of image use, or any unacceptable abusive behaviour, language or threats, then the use or sharing of any images created by Andrew Cooper Photography is prohibited, including any images provided by an image licence. Permission will also be withdrawn for any use of any images created by Andrew Cooper Photography, to be published in any form, whether online, social media, print etc..
Abusive language, threats or any other unacceptable behaviour towards me, as the photographer, with result in the use of any images previously granted being withdrawn.
Take down notices and any applicable charges may be levied in such circumstances where intellectual property and copyright infringement is taking place or image use is withdrawn.
Any attempt to steal, download or resale images may result in civil action for damages for each image. Reselling or threats to steal and resell images will result in the use of any previously provided images being withdrawn; take down notices will be issued for any images currently in use.
Copyright Infringement
Please respect the copyright of any image published by Andrew Cooper Photography. I take a zero tolerance approach to copyright infringement.
Images may not be published without prior permission, either to social media or other accounts/or in print. Nor must images be used by third-parties for their work (derivative work/art work/wall art).
An image published online is not assigning copyright of any image to a third-party, nor use of any image by an individual/company/business/organisation, or social media channel, or the subject of the image.
Where copyright infringement of image/s is found I will request that the image/s is/are removed, with a take-down notice (charges are applicable as the image has been used without permission). The minimum charge will be £100 per image, but all reasonable and applicable charges may be sought from the copyright infringer.
Where an image is not removed on request, the social media channel will be contacted to report copyright infringement and/or a take-down notice will be issued (and costs may be incurred, for which you are liable – see below).
Please be aware that all images are monitored online and where copyright infringement is discovered you are liable for any costs associated with a take-down notice/s, legal costs and/or damages sought through the English courts.
By viewing, downloading or sharing any images you are deemed to have accepted these conditions of use of images and the copyright within them.
Copyright Infringement Charges
Where you, a business or organisation infringes the copyright of images there will be a minimum charge of £100 per image.
Publication of an image (whether in print or online in any format) without an image licence will be deemed as copyright infringement and you will be liable for the charges, even if an image is subsequently taken down following contact highlighting the copyright infringement (as the image/s are/have been used and copyright infringed).
You will be liable for any and all associated charges relating the to take-down notice and/or copyright infringement.
So the bottom line is be nice and please respect and do not infringe the copyright in the images created, so we won’t have to go through the above process.
Terms and conditions also apply for any image use.
Updated: September 2023