Sport photography Q&A

Sport photography Q&A

A series of articles from Isle of Wight sport photographer Andrew Cooper with information and updates on questions and answers about the sport photography and how to get high quality professional sport images of you playing or participating in your chosen sport.

  • Sport photography Q&A Why can’t I view the images online?
    Sport photography Q&A: Why can’t I view the images online? A question I often get asked is ‘Why can’t I view the images online?’ This has proved unworkable in the past. One club was covered throughout a complete season, with every game bar one covered during that season, and circa 70,000 images put online (with …

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  • How do I get images of me playing my sport?
    How do I get images of me playing my sport? A sport photography question I often get asked is ‘How do I get images of me playing my sport?’ The system set up recently is an easy way to regularly receive images direct to your inbox – the process is: Sign-up online to a sport …

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If you have further questions then please do visit my Sport Image Subscriptions Frequently Asked Questions page for a great deal more information and answers.

Reach out to me today if you have any questions

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Andrew Cooper Photography